Fuck that.Im growing up.Im aging.I’ve learnt to cope with hellish stuffs and peoples opinions about me.yeah,people talk.But opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and it usually stink. If u ask me.I’d say im a bit adult minded compared to girls my age. why? because when you grow up in a nut-house.You live in a freakshow.The house is full of crazy fucked up fools. So frankly, im the only one in sane state.Im the one who’ll do all the thinking for myself.So if im gonna live good.I gotta think good. For a girl like me.I have a lot to think about.
Proudly im no longer that fucking 16 year olds. All the 16 year olds fucktarts I know in Malaysia is mad at the world for nothing.They think its cool to rebel.I used to be one and I thought I acted like a cow.so,Im trying to go easy nowdays.after those major meltdowns.i think im just gonna fucking calm down and mellow out and just be like,nicer.

I am not Lii Lohan anymore.