Salah seorang Junior aku was like hye smile lah.why do you look so sad all the time? i was like im smiling kan? and she made the "yeah right" face.I turned to my bestfriend Syiera asking 'aku nampak sedih ke?' and she nodded adding kau nampak macam ada masalah.And i told myself fuck..i cant fake it anymore.
Dalam kelas English.Aku diminta mengarang esei bertajuk Happy.Aku ambil masa yang lama untuk fikir.Apa benda yang buat aku happy? Aku pandang luar tingkap pandang sekolah cina kat sebelah.Tengok all the kids main tag here,tag there.Is that happy? Balik sekolah I passed by an 11 y.o girl from sekolah cina reading the love letter that she received.she read out loud 'ive love u for five years and I will love you forever' so that surely made her happy kan? so I walked and walked until I saw pak cik ais krim smiling so besar and waving at me.He is adorable.His belly and all.Why did he looked happy? sebab dia akan dapat untung 50 sen kalau aku beli? well..
"syiera,kau suka teddy bear?"
"suka sangat.kau ada?"
"aku tak berapa.but I have two"
"aku tak boleh simpan teddy kat rumah.Mak aku kata malaikat tak masuk"
"jadi selama ni tak ada malaikat lah masuk rumah aku? patutlah.."
what are the things that makes me happy? counting airplanes at night.But every night cuma setakat empat yang lalu.so campur semua airplanes yang aku nampak selama ni? wow thats alot. but am I happy? maybe i'll be happy lagi.. 4 tahun?